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NAME: Timoney Honeywood, husband, four children, and our little pup!
LOCATION: New Jersey
TYPE OF HOME: 1870 farmhouse
SIZE: 2500 square feet
YEARS LIVED IN 1 year, owned
TELL US A LITTLE (OR A LOT) ABOUT YOUR HOME AND THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE THERE: We moved from London to the U.S. 10 years ago. (My husband was in the U.S. Air Force). We traveled around a lot and lived in many rentals, and during that time I was able to experiment with my style. Last year he left the military and started a job in NYC, so we decided to buy a house in New Jersey where we could make it our permanent family home! We bought an old colonial farmhouse.

My husband and I have four children so the house is usually crazy but we’ve had such a fun time being able to make this house ours. I love incorporating the colorful textiles we’ve collected over the past decade and we certainly use a lot of color in our home. The house is very old, and I love the original aspects of the house, even the wonky floors!
DESCRIBE YOUR HOME’S STYLE IN 5 WORDS OR LESS: Colorful, eclectic, fun, and unique!

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ROOM AND WHY? This is a difficult question; I love all of the rooms but my children’s rooms are so fun and reflect their personalities so well! They had a major role in designing their spaces. I also love my bedroom; it’s my sanctuary away from the craziness of our house!

ANY ADVICE FOR CREATING A HOME YOU LOVE? I always say that’s best to fill a home with the things you love rather than following a trend. Styles come and go, but the items you select that have meaning and really speak to you will likely be pieces that you will love for a long time!

WHICH FICTIONAL CHARACTER WOULD BE MOST AT HOME IN YOUR PLACE? Probably some type of brightly colorful tropical bird with a sassy personality!

IF YOU COULD MAGICALLY CHANGE SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR HOME, WHAT WOULD IT BE? We have a huge unfinished attic and I dream about converting it into a master suite. If I could magically change anything that would be it. I have the ideas for the design of that space in my head, we just need planning permission to make it happen!

WHAT’S THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT (OR FOUND!) FOR YOUR HOME? Last week a bought a new rug for my living room. I collect rugs and have more than I need but I enjoy switching them up and moving them to other rooms from time to time. One day in the near future we plan on putting wooden flooring downstairs, then I justify my purchases by covering up the ugly carpet with my fabulous rugs!

[…] boho decor fuses sleek, pared-down pieces with intricate, globally-inspired touches. Traditional bohemian design can lean towards an overstuffed, chaotic vibe, but the minimal boho twist keeps things curated and […]
[…] you want your living room to be warm, inviting, and filled with romantic touches, embracing the bohemian design style is the way to go. Boho living rooms create a welcoming, free-spirited vibe that […]